Impact of AI Game Based & Experiential Learning on Cognitive Function

To what extent are AI game based and experiential learning more effective than rote based learning methodologies in enhancing cognitive function of students?

By Yashraj Garg.


As education continues to transform after the pandemic and virtual platforms have replaced textbooks, advocacy towards online learning may spark curiosity regarding its benefits. Consequently, online Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted game-based and experiential learning courses and programs are being developed by companies like EDUFIQ. Hence, the objective of the paper is to conduct a Literature Review to analyse and evaluate such courses through the lens of cognitive merits. Previous research demonstrates that game-based and experiential learning approaches to education help improve cognition function and development in students, particularly due to more improved life skills, and retained knowledge due to greater motivation to engage with course material.

Such research has also resulted in criticism towards traditional educational methodologies, specifically how textbooks supporting ‘rote memorisation’ enable less cognitive processes and thus, reduce efficiency when learning content. Data also suggests that such programs help improve self-learning and make learning an independent process, rather than one dependent on the educator. Analogous to what has been assumed, such technology-based courses may prove to be more effective in educating students.

The findings of this paper indicate that the improvement in cognitive function can be attributed to greater meta-cognitive, reflective, and problem solving requirements in game-based and experiential learning. Furthermore, application of Self-Determination Theory helps improve educational standards and informs institutions about the significance of transitioning to an educational model that prioritizes student motivation.

Thus, demonstrating how the criteria ensuring success of such an education is unparalleled.

Introducing AI Labs – Your Kid’s Creative Ground

Today the classroom is much more than a place for learning. Modern educational strategies foster a positive classroom environment to transform, motivate, welcome and support student learning and growth. The atmosphere should be trusting, liberal and inclusive so that students’ views are heard and valued. Students feel elevated, safe and respectful in a creative and positive classroom.

What is the importance of a positive classroom?

A positive classroom makes students comfortable in every sense. They can share their thoughts, ask questions, and take risks boldly. Such an environment improves social skills, builds relationships with peers, boosts positive mindsets, and develops high-level critical and analytical thinking skills. From here, students learn to participate enthusiastically making the environment instrumental.

Enjoy a creative environment with AI Labs

  1. The Perfect Physical Space
    Classroom aesthetics are one of the important aspects that help students become more open to learning and adaptive. It acts as a stress buster for students and enhances their productivity. The aesthetics of AI labs are perfect for keeping their enthusiasm, engagement and focus at an all-time high. A vibrant classroom décor will help students reflect the same.
  2. Based on Curriculum
    Students find learning more engaging and relatable when it’s a part of their curriculum. They become emotionally invested in the content and connect on a personal ground. The aim is to help them adapt to the futuristic skills with AI, making the curriculum more meaningful.
  3. Positive Enforcement
    A strong classroom culture can be achieved by implementing a positive space for students to thrive in. The positive ambience of the AI labs and valuable inputs of the AI trainers are extrinsic motivators. This positive push will keep them thrilled and energized in the labs.
  4. Giving Them A Voice and Choice
    The participation of the students increases when they feel their opinion matters. AI Labs give them the platform to take risks and decide how they learn best. This newly built confidence encourages them to be vocal in front of their peers. Once they feel their input matters, they seem to put greater effort into learning.
  5. Being Their Best Supporter
    Many students face academic challenges. Here, AI trainers will provide support for students when they need it. Students appreciate having someone to listen to them and comfort them. The valuable inputs of the AI trainers will make them more attentive and reflective towards learning the right way.


CESP is an aspirational programme by Edufiq. The programme aims to transform education through technology. From building a learning environment at schools to training the educators using Microsoft tools/ Text help CESP aims to do it all. They aspire to build AI Labs, install smart boards and overall enhance the aesthetics of the school.

Edufiq is online courseware on Artificial Intelligence (AI) designed to help kids excel in their studies and extracurricular activities. It paves the way to a successful future by developing important life skills in them. It is also a program that includes comprehensive training material for teachers to understand the working of the AI and its processes, in order to help the students perform better. Be a part of the transformation.

What is game-based learning and gamification?

Even though both gamification and game-based learning promote engagement and sustained motivation in learning, these two are completely different concepts altogether. Gamification applies the concepts of the game in learning. For example, a timed quiz is an excellent example of gamification. On the other hand, game-based learning deals with using games to teach a particular subject. Minecraft is the finest example of game-based learning. Here students can learn AI coding while playing the Minecraft game. Many interactive learning games for kids are now used to teach different subjects.

How does game based learning and gamification help in learning?

Today when the competition is tough, many may not be interested in learning a new subject, because it would mean adding another subject to their curriculum. So, how can a subject like AI be taught so that it not only keeps students engaged but also arouses their creativity and should enhance their cognitive skills? Game-based learning and gamification hold the key.

Game-based learning has many advantages

  1. Some of the benefits of game-based learning are that it promotes creativity, arouses curiosity, keeps the children engaged, and helps in the development of various cognitive skills such as critical thinking, decision making, problem-solving, and many more.
  2. As the games are based on day-to-day activities the child not only learns life skills but also becomes focussed.
  3. We all know that games are addictive and to level up children try again and again. This skill of using different methods to resolve an issue or to reach a particular mark boosts the problem-solving skills in children.
  4. Even if a child fails in his first attempt, he/she knows that he/she would get a few more attempts to win the round. Failure in games motivate the child to try again.

Game-based learning platform

Edufiq is an online game-based learning platform that helps children to learn AI using the game Minecraft. Our courseware is specifically designed by educators who are AI experts. The curriculum is designed for students of grades 5th to 10th. Edufiq helps children learn AI in a fun-filled and engaging way.

Interactive learning games for kids

The current pandemic has Online learning has almost become a daily routine for today’s kids. Interactive learning games for kids have changed the way of learning we used to enjoy earlier. Game-based learning is one of35the few contemporary techniques for Artificial Intelligence learning. You can now enjoy a fascinating experience learning different fundamentals of game-based learning.