Your Child’s Happy Future with AI

Edufiq is an online courseware on Artificial Intelligence (AI) specifically designed for kids of class 5th-10th (8-15-year-old). It is an interactive platform for children that introduces them to the futuristic skill of Artificial Intelligence and helps them delve into a world full of opportunities. It allows children to develop important skills that will help them to excel in their studies and extracurricular activities, paving the way to their successful future.

Game-Based Learning

Game-Based Learning uses Minecraft, to make AI learning easier for a child. This method enhances the child’s imagination and makes the learning process fun. This method also boosts creativity, communication skills, problem-solving, critical thinking, logical reasoning, and cognitive skills in growing children. We use this method for the kids of class 5th -7th to make them learn an important skill without the burden of regular studying. 

Avi Srivastava

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is a way of learning through actions. This method of learning enables children to have authentic and practical experiences. It allows children to experience, analyze, observe, and experiment while learning. Even though this method of learning is beneficial for children of all age groups, employing this method along with our experiential kit for students of classes 8th-10th, helps them to use their skills and further enhance them while acquiring a new one – Artificial Intelligence.

Build Digital Confidence

Learning to code is askill that is highly required in the world right now. With our patent pending method of experiential learning we call EXL all our learners gain digital confidence from the word “GO...”

Think Computationally

The internet has no owner’s manual. Coding requires that at a young age you need to think differently than normal. Learn how toturn specific solutions into general ones.

Problem-Solving Skills

Children and young adults that code, learn how to break big problems into smaller ones.

Pay as you go

With Edufiq, there are a number of ways you can help your kids learn to code, depending on how old they are and how much you want to invest.

Popular Classes

Our curriculum is designed to help your child learn & enhance life skills with specially crafted multi-level programs. 

Introduction to “Edufiq™ - Experiential Learning” (E-XL)

At Edufiq™, we believe that every child should be given an opportunity to succeed. We also believe that teaching should meet transformative learning styles of every individual child. At Edufiq, we follow a teaching model by David Kolb.

(Weatherhead School of Management-Cleveland, Ohio USA)

We redefine online education for your child

Innovative Pedagogy

We use fun and joyful methods of teaching AI to children. We make children learn through games, our experiential kit, and challenging activities to engage and thrill them.

Friendly Instructors

Our instructors are industry-certified and highly qualified and apply fun and friendly methods to teach children

Smartest Curriculum​

We offer the best new-age curriculum in Python, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, AI & IoT, and Micro: Bit, Minecraft, among others. Our courses are at par with the global standards of ISTE & CSTA.

Nature Pod Technique

With a maximum of six children assigned to an instructor, we follow the Nature Pod technique of blending experiential and personalized learning.

Edufiq™ Tech-Rock-Star Instructors

We take pride to introduce our 500+ tech-rock-star instructors who are ready to engage and teach. Our instructors come to us with a passion for tech and teaching with expertise that is unmatched.


Staff Onboarding

We retain staff that are the best based on AI, popularity & feedback from our worldwide programs to teach online

Background Checks

Our People Management team has painstakingly conducted thorough background and reference checks for all our instructional & functional teams at Edufiq™

IIT/IIM, BTech, PhDs

Our elite talent is recruited from the top institutions and universities in the country. Our instructor grading systems in place include honour points


All adult instructors are recruited by our People Management team. All adult instructors are recruited by our People Management team.

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AI for Good

Make Kids future ready with an efficient virtual learning platform

Personal computers and the internet have revolutionized the world. Online communications have made the world smaller and have allowed billions of internet users to share their thoughts and ideas in a matter of seconds. Once considered to be an expensive and not so user-friendly medium, online communication is now accessible to all.

What Users Says About Edufiq


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Vividh Gupta
Charu Maini

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